Remember this Florida homeschool family? Here is Part 1 and Part 2 of their pictures. Life and travel happened, and my poor blog is one of the first to get neglected. But if you haven't seen the previous posts, you'll want to hop back and read them first! I got to spend a day with a homeschool family in Florida where mom and dad are raising eight kids in an idyllic countryside setting.
You probably know I have six kids - three boys and three girls myself, and I love the life (and craziness) kids bring. Especially boys. This family has six boys (although the older two were gone most of the day working), and two girls. Not super noisy - in fact I find large families often learn to work together in a harmonious way - you have to! Kids learn to watch out for each other, and every one has chores and tasks to help manage the home life.
These images are a collection from the afternoon homeschooling and indoor chores. It's amazing to think how much these puppies have grown since our April Day in the Life Session. You can't see it as clearly with children - although you can in babies. I am a huge advocate in documenting these fleeting months and years the littles are little.
If you are ready to make a documentary of your own family's life, don't hesitate to contact me! I find the all day ones more meaningful, but we can always do a shorter morning or afternoon Day in the Life Session, too. (More info on full Day in the Life Sessions here.)
Next up - a video from this session!